Tuesday, December 3, 2019

2019 Fundraiser: Eilat Desert Marathon Recap

Laird's 2019 Fundraiser

Just in time for Giving Tuesday, I have launched a fundraiser for Children International. CI (children.org) is a non-denominational group creating and supporting education and health in developing countries. We've supported them for over 10-years by contributing towards 4 young women in the Philippines (actually, 2 of our original supportees have outgrown the program, so we are into our second set). I've gotten to visit their centers in Chile and India. This year, money will go towards HOPE Scholarships, which help graduating kids reach higher education. 

Every donation will be matched 1:1 by Rebecca and me.

To give, you have three easy options:

My JustGiving page - https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/lairdo 

Donating to CI directly. https://www.children.org/make-a-difference/donate
(when using this method, please note it is for Laird Malamed or RunLairdRun. This way, CI can count up the donations for the matching funds) 

And for those on Facebook:  

Thank you to the people who have already contributed. Remember, every donation is matched.

The Eilat Desert Marathon Recap

Beyond Thanksgiving and Giving Tuesday, the timing of this fundraising drive links to my latest marathon. On Friday, November 29, I lined up ahead of 6 am, just before the sun crested the Jordanian hills to the east, with about 400 other marathoners representing some two dozen+ countries. The task: A simple trollop in the desert hills in Eilat Israel with a background of the Red Sea and the end of Jordan River Rift Valley. 

The outcome: A challenging and rewarding scramble up and down in soft sand while avoiding hard protruding rocks as the sun and heat rose.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Friday, April 26, 2019

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019

Tuesday, January 8, 2019